Friday, June 5, 2009

Good Tiding of Magpies

Yes, a group of magpies is a tiding. I was out at seven this morning counting magpies as part of the June5-8 Audubon magpie survey. Magpies are easy to find since they are large and noisy.

The reason I'm sharing this is to show you the progress I have made in overcoming my computer phobia: I had to report my observations on eBird, including using google maps to zoom in on my location. Thank you 27Things.
P.S. I just realized that I have 27 posts already and I still have 2 more Things to do; oh well, learning is supposed to be an on-going Thing.


  1. It's great that you're doing that. I can't get myself up to do it before work - maybe when I get home, or on my day off.
