Saturday, April 25, 2009


I tried some of the news feeds that would bring me the most current news stories. Every breaking story I read was bad news: swine flu outbreak, more bombings, political bickering, etc. Then I found a site that covered "bird news"; for the last twelve hours there were no stories.

There is something wrong with this picture! The world human population as of April 2009 is estimated at 6.77 billion; the last guess-timate for the world bird population as of 1951 was in the 100 billions (it was a guess, since not all the bird species were even known).

Birds greatly outnumber us, yet the only time they get any attention in the news is when they fly into jets! In my own small way, I'm going to try to remedy this by posting pictures of our fine feathered friends.


  1. As a fellow bird lover, I have to say you have chosen some great photos!

  2. I just came across a site that you might enjoy. The Hancock Wildlife Foundation has webcams on three eagles nests. One of those nests is available at the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.'s site: There are now 3 baby eaglets, and if you're lucky, depending on the time, you may be able to watch them being fed. With the live sounds, you almost feel like you're right there, up in a tree with binoculars! Check it out.

  3. If you want bird news, you might want to join this Yahoo group for Sacramento area birders

    Once you join, you will get emails from other members about any local bird-related news they want to share, or sometimes people put their questions on there and you get to offer an answer, if you've got one...

    There's more good news than bad, generally.
