Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Opus at Aoraki/Mt. Cook
Originally uploaded by ghewgill
Opus should be counted as a bird, too. Delicious doesn't count him as such. LibraryThing actually did with a "bird" tag. Cartoon birds are generally lovable or at least have good intentions. How many mean and nasty cartoon birds have you met? Berkeley Breathed, the creator of Opus, obviously has a fondness for birds, even though he tried to off Opus.

But back to Delicious; I can see why they call it "social". Delicious actually keeps track of how many people have bookmarked a site, like a poll. You can also see what specific users are bookmarking which seems a little scary to me (but that's only with permission, so Big Bird isn't watching me). And the more tags you use, the quicker it is to find something; using "birds" will give you over 37,000 entries, whereas using "birds"+"baby" will give you 300 entries. Tag, you're it!

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