Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pause...don't panic

I was in the dentist's office the other day waiting...while waiting, I read a survival column in an adventure magazine about how to respond in a life or death situation. The author's main point was that it is important to pause; otherwise the body's automatic fight or flee response could get you into trouble. The three things you should do to pause: 1.breathe 2.organize 3.act.

On reflection, I figured out that this would be a good way to proceed in learning the 27Things (now they tell me!) Initially, everything I tried I did without that crucial pause:
1. breathe...Take several deep breaths to search for that key or link I'm looking for before I push the wrong one.
2. organize...What do I need to know (or how to do it) to get the result I want. What do I need to ask (or what tag to use) to find what I want.
3. act...Too often I skipped the first 2 steps and ended up falling off a cliff ; I also drowned a few times.
The good news is that this pause model doesn't cost anything and it will save me time in the long run.

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